Friday, November 28, 2014

Friday 28 November, 2014

My apologies for not writing this past week; my absence was unavoidable.  I left a good amount of work for TOCs to do with the class.  We made a list as a class of the important work today and we will mark much of that as a group where possible on Monday.  While I am not listing that work here on the blog, I believe ample school time was given to complete it, and any work that is not completed (barring a student's absence), I would expect that work to be finished on their own time soonafter.

For today, all we have is:

*1) Page 56 Gr. 7 SS for Monday (this was done with a TOC this week and everyone said they wouldn't have any trouble finishing it)

*2) Students know about upcoming quizzes and tests - math quiz both grades; Gr. 7 SS test; Gr. 6 SS and Science quiz - specific dates to be given next week and where needed, study time in class will be given