Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday 2 February, 2012


Camping basket items due March 2
Painting in class Feb. 3
Bring a photo of yourself doing something you enjoy for the next scrapbooking session Feb. 10

1) Music devices for Friday through Monday with parents' permission for music analysis

2) All Egypt art due Feb. 10

3) Math Quiz Tuesday

4) Poetry good copies of student poems:

3 Word poems due Feb 6
Diamonte poems due Feb 8
Sense poem due Feb 13
Month/Season poem due Feb 16

I spoke to the class today about the first poems that were turned in (the Synonym poems).  Some students turned in wonderfully thoughtful poems that were presented neatly and creatively.  Unfortunately, too many poems were turned in that seemed to be nothing more than rough drafts with scribbles everywhere and where the criteria (carefully laid out and with a reminder on the board) were forgotten or ignored.  As these poems are for a writing mark, I have suggested that each student ensure they are only turning in their best work.  The poem that was turned in today was first assigned on January 6th and ample school time was given for this assignment.