Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday 22 February, 2012

Course selection for DSS (online) due March 2

DSS Parent Informational meeting at DSS Wed evening

1) Picture of a pet (optional) fort Art Friday

2) Continue song analysis this week

3) Lesson 6 due Thursday

4) Greece dates:  Project 2 due Feb 29; Project 3 due March 7; Def'n test March 14 and Short Answer test March 16

5) Math sheets 11.1 and 11.2 Thursday

Also, for those who might not know (though everyone signed off that you have discussed a topic with your child), we are doing a Biography research project right now.  I really want the children to use a variety of resources.  It seems like people these days gravitate towards the internet.  The internet can be a good resource, but if your child has chosen an appropriate person to study, there should be many different source types on that person, including books, movies (which I can set them up to watch independently to take notes during school with a little notice), magazine articles even newspaper articles from certain archives which a public library might be able to help them with.  Not only will there be more marks awarded for using more source types (not a huge amount, but it is worth noting), it will also be in each student's best interest to learn to research from more than just the internet.  If you wish to discuss this further, please feel free to call me at school.