Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday 25 September, 2013

1) Painting in class on Friday (I'm only mentioning it in case it affects how people dress)

2) Face Art due Monday September 30th

3) Sketch 1 "The Line" due Wednesday Oct. 2nd

4) "Tuk" question due Thursday at 8:45

I wasn't in class this morning.  I was honoured to be asked to speak at this year's Raise A Reader breakfast in Vancouver.  Raise A Reader raises money and awareness for programs that help improve literacy.  The funds go to libraries, community centres and anywhere else where one could find books, reading, etc.  I have four children and I took each child to a Vancouver Public Library program called Man In The Moon, which gives men a chance to take their young children to a library to meet other dads and sing songs and read books on a Saturday afternoon.  When it became known that I had brought all four of my children, someone figured this was sort of an unusual story, so I was approached and asked if I would speak.  The fact that I was a teacher who strives to promote literacy every day was simply a bonus.  It was a wonderful experience.  I was on the streets of Vancouver at seven o'clock this morning with my wife and oldest child selling newspapers in exchange for donations.  My daughter, who is seven, cleaned up.  She was the one who garnered most of the donations we brought in.  After we finished selling newspapers, we went inside a hotel in downtown Vancouver where I gave my speech.  It was a terrific experience and I was so thrilled to have the chance to attend.